National Award Recipient

Recognizing extraordinary individuals who have demonstrated world-class excellence in the theoretical and practical STEM education fields.

About The National Education Award Program

The National STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Education Award recognizes an individual who exemplifies excellence in the theoretical and practical STEM education fields and who has meaningfully promoted STEM education. The $10,000 award is a no-strings-attached honor given to extraordinarily talented and accomplished individuals (or a STEM-related institution of the recipient's choice) in the hopes that promotion of their story inspires others to STEM related pursuits.

How Our Recipients Are Chosen

Nominees are brought to our attention through a pool of invited external nominators chosen from a broad a range of STEM related institutions and organizations. Nominators review submissions made through our website and draw on their vast networks to nominate the most qualified candidates they are aware of within their institution, field, and larger network. Each nominator may write a formal letter of nomination to the Selection Committee for up to three nominees.

Nominations are evaluated by an independent Selection Committee composed of eight to twelve leaders in the sciences, math, technology, and engineering fields (representing both for-profit and nonprofit communities in those fields). Each nomination and her/his original works are researched and evaluated.

After a thorough, multi-step review, the Selection Committee makes its recommendations to the Executive Director.

Nominators, evaluators, and selectors all serve anonymously and their correspondence is kept confidential. This policy enables participants to provide their honest impressions independent of outside influence.

How Can I Bring A Candidate To A Nominator’s Attention

If you know of an extraordinary individual we should know about, please complete the contact form and provide links about the candidate. The information will be forwarded to one of our Nominators. Please note, as the Award’s criterial includes the candidate having widespread impact we do not allow self-nominations or nominations of one’s family member. Let us know about a candidate.